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  • Assistant Admin

As first im SRY to all devs that i ruined the skyfire team :/


@Sovak sry that i started to work on 542 before S15 realeased...!

@AlterEgo u could say that u dont want the work on 542 and u didnt need to merge 542 branch to master!

@Fabian im sry that im so arrogant to u, but u started to provocate!

@Raknar i didnt even know that u a skyfire developer i dont even know u so how can u be mad on me?


@caffeine :D was funy time :D


@Rawaho nice job, nice teamwork, u got potential :)


Thanks Sovak for opening me the eyes how evryone is cursing about me.

Thats why im done here.






  • Admin/Master Developers

Just because someone disagrees doesn't mean everyone hates you. We do appreciate what you do. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one.


I never told you that you ruined skyfire team and neither that someone is cursing at you. You are never listening and you werent last night either. Go reread it. I told you that it was confirmed by blizzard that they are creating a new mid-range raid and S15 will be going live soon. I also told you that everyone stopped working after you switched to 542, the decision that we wont go for 542 was made before we started 541 and we all agreed to it, i even told you that, but you never listen. Im not moving my ass for542 for a single reason - im not updating my tools for it, becasue there is no point, blizzard will release new patch soon enough. You just RQed pointlessly


I never told you that you ruined skyfire team and neither that someone is cursing at you. You are never listening and you werent last night either. Go reread it. I told you that it was confirmed by blizzard that they are creating a new mid-range raid and S15 will be going live soon. I also told you that everyone stopped working after you switched to 542, the decision that we wont go for 542 was made before we started 541 and we all agreed to it, i even told you that, but you never listen. Im not moving my ass for542 for a single reason - im not updating my tools for it, becasue there is no point, blizzard will release new patch soon enough. You just RQed pointlessly

"confirmed by blizzard that they are creating a new mid-range raid" before WoD??? As far as I'm concerned there won't be any new raid content, even a small content patch is unlikely!


They are indeed, but the models are season elite 14, its highly unlikely that they will have the same models


+ I was reading somewhere that a mid range raid is also comming



+ I was reading somewhere that a mid range raid is also comming

Maybe it was planned initially, but the latest info on that says:


"Another MoP patch would delay WoD, so Patch 5.5 isn't going to happen. The entire team is working on WoD right now, so any more MoP content would slow down development."




Nobody said a word about patch 5.5, it will be a mid range raid, not trier one, thats all i heard and im pretty sure a minor patch with models will pop up


Nobody said a word about patch 5.5, it will be a mid range raid, not trier one, thats all i heard and im pretty sure a minor patch with models will pop up

The one thing I wanted to point out is that it is not confirmed by Blizzard and the statement: "more MoP content would slow down development" tends to favor the opposite. So basically this is pure speculation and not a fact. :)


There is still a 5.4.1 branch, if no1 would work in the 5.4.2 content, they could continue their work on 5.4.1 , but this didn't happened.

"everyone stopped working after you switched to 542, the decision that we wont go for 542 was made before we started 541 and we all agreed to it,"

it's only a bad excuse to my eyes


well.. now i guess that some moderator will block this post... if so.. i let you imagine what kind of people there are here, i mean.. No1 can solve problems by blocking thread.

By the way, AriDEV did a good job with Rawaho, i think you could continue with them without quarrel...


There is still a 5.4.1 branch, if no1 would work in the 5.4.2 content, they could continue their work on 5.4.1 , but this didn't happened.

"everyone stopped working after you switched to 542, the decision that we wont go for 542 was made before we started 541 and we all agreed to it,"

it's only a bad excuse to my eyes


well.. now i guess that some moderator will block this post... if so.. i let you imagine what kind of people there are here, i mean.. No1 can solve problems by blocking thread.

By the way, AriDEV did a good job with Rawaho, i think you could continue with them without quarrel...


Well as far as i know, the hardest work had to be done for 541, that was implementing pandaria stuff, 542 was easy to patch up later, Raknar is refusing to work on 542, i am too, Vincent Michael stopped contributing and 547 is knocking on the doors

  • Admin/Master Developers

For the record. I made the switch to 5.4.2 and placed the 5.4.1 in a branch. 5.4.2 is further along than 5.4.1 . When someone else is paying for the hosting and the forums they can make the educated decisions here."I pay for this out of my own pocket and never ask for a dime from anyone". Far as another patch coming lets see it in the PTR before everyone starts guessing about stuff. There is no doubt about another patch being added in the near future. They always add a transitional patch between expansions.



We always discuss things in public here.


Well this explains the lack of 5.4.2 commits. So what happens now? Do I continue to work on 5.4.2 switch back to 5.4.1 or wait for the next 5.4.? patch?


I also wasn't aware of the decision to stay on 5.4.1, I assumed 5.4.2 would be natural progression and it would be the final MoP patch (5.?.?) that we stayed on.


Sorry, i am noob. Whats the difference between 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.7? I see only some changes in spells and some new items, and new opcodes/bitstream. I cant get it. Why did u start this discussions. What u need just find new bitstream.


Ok guys - first of ALL u're doing rly hard and great job.  :yahoo:


I was developer of another mmorpg's (Ragnarok Online and Tibia mostly..) now I start in WOW...

I'll contribute some databases, NPC's, spell-fixes and other in 2 weeks when I'll get some more free time... got global Beta-tester acc and so..


The problem is - I don't get this opcodes extracting ;/ So if u can help with that and push some basics to repo.


Just saying - I rly like community here - admins/devs are active and u can easy contact with you. Just keep ur good work and we'll grow up   ;)



*sry for grammar.

  • Admin/Master Developers

There is no need to stop working on 5.4.2. there are many mechanics that need to be fixed so we can do the DB stuff properly.

  • Assistant Admin


and who cares? if u are playin on the 5.4.7 u could implement the pandaria stuff in your 5.4.1 branch then we could merge it to the 5.4.2 branch but no u better stop working and waiting for 1and half months like a dumb kido that has a high Ego... but what ever i shared my snifer and waiting til 6xx ... and ye i will not be a bad ass like u i will help with commits...


1) I dont need your sniffer, Fabi has one or id use WSTC

2) Cause working on 2 versions is too mainstream

3) And for same reason that i wont be redoing same reversing work on 542

4) When you loose an argument you start offending, thanks for prooving my point ;)



Useless topic, im not touching 542 and you wont change it

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