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Everything posted by gegge6265

  1. .account create test test@test test .account create username email password  to log in use the email and the password.
  2. it depends from your machine the player limit can be set in the worldserver.conf
  3. can u tell what parser do you use? if you want and if is not a secret of course.. and sniffer too
  4. google is your friend. Repacks too
  5. i think are more important opcodes than a populated world.
  6. i added your opcodes and structure of your 3 pull request in skyfire but duel still doesn't work
  7. just delete the comlumns from loc9 to loc11
  8. gegge6265


    Hello, for who want Truice in C# version, to customize the original program or developing it better, i have started today this repo: https://github.com/gegge6265/Luice  if you want to help you're welcome  yes it is a noob tool and existing tool.. but for who don't know pascal (including me) it is a good thing ^^
  9. oh shizle.. We continue at 18019 i hope
  10. this is the april fool page XD
  11. frostwolf? are you from molten? XD I don't know a lot about this, i know that i had a similar problem with an npc, but if you type .gm on you should be able to view that btw try to delete your cache, and check if there is a value not correct in the db
  12. Today i logged with my ptr client of world of warcraft.. And i saw 5.4.8!!! I hope no opcodes will change D:
  13. if you aren't using an italian client (localization 9)i think you can skip the part of the localization tables
  14. i was not talking about mop, i just asked what do you think about that news and a personal question.. I'm not the kind of person that come here and say "can we start develop wod??11'? " XD i know we are at the beginning of mop
  15. Have you heard of CASC file instead the old MPQ files? What there will be inside CASC file? Will it change the way to emulate wow? http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/blog/13645405/inizio-dellalfa-test-di-warlords-of-draenor%E2%84%A2-04-04-2014
  16. ok i forgot to put the script in the scriptloader.. LOL sorry XD
  17. hello! I have a problem with scripting a boss (i'm not going to ask to do the code for me, but why it doesn't work) i used CreatureAI and then i changed into BossAI since i tested archavon and it works, i looked at the code and the difference that i saw is that my old boss had CreatureAI, archavon has BossAI #include "ScriptMgr.h" #include "ObjectMgr.h" #include "ScriptedCreature.h" #include "ScriptedGossip.h" #include "Player.h" #include "Vehicle.h" enum Spells { SPELL_PESTATERRA = 106807, SPELL_INSCIMMIATO = 106651, SPELL_ESPLOSIONE_BARILI = 107351, SPELL_BATTLE_SHOUT = 6673 }; class boss_uggaugga : public CreatureScript { public : boss_uggaugga() :CreatureScript("boss_uggaugga") {} CreatureAI* GetAI(Creature* creature) const { return new boss_uggauggaAI(creature); } struct boss_uggauggaAI : public BossAI { boss_uggauggaAI(Creature* creature) : BossAI(creature, 56637) { } //chiamato solo una volta //qua i timer uint32 timer_inscimmiato = 0; uint32 timer_pestaterra = 0; uint32 timer_barili = 0; uint32 timer_shout = 0; uint32 counter = 0; //qua i timer void Reset() OVERRIDE { timer_pestaterra = 10000; timer_shout = 300000; } void EnterCombat(Unit* who) //chiamato solo 1 volta quando inizia il fight { //fallo parlare } void EnterEvadeMode() OVERRIDE { } void ReceiveEmote(Player* /*player*/, uint32 uiTextEmote) OVERRIDE { } void UpdateAI(uint32 uiDiff) OVERRIDE { if (!me->GetVictim()) { if (timer_shout <= uiDiff) { DoCast(me, SPELL_BATTLE_SHOUT, true); timer_shout = 300000; } else timer_shout -= uiDiff; } //fuori combat if (!UpdateVictim()) return; //ora il codice del fight if (((me->GetHealth() / me->GetMaxHealth())*100 <= 90 && counter == 0) || ((me->GetHealth() / me->GetMaxHealth())*100 <= 60 && counter == 1)|| ((me->GetHealth() / me->GetMaxHealth())*100 <= 30 && counter == 2)) { DoCast(me, SPELL_INSCIMMIATO, true); //dopo la spell il boss summona barili.. creare la classe del barile per comandarlo Creature* barile = DoSpawnCreature(56682, 100, 0, 0, me->GetOrientation(), TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_DESPAWN, 0); counter++; } if (timer_pestaterra <= uiDiff) { DoCastVictim(SPELL_PESTATERRA, true); timer_pestaterra = urand(6000, 12000); } else timer_pestaterra -= uiDiff; DoMeleeAttackIfReady(); } }; }; class barile : public CreatureScript { public: barile() :CreatureScript("barile") {} CreatureAI* GetAI(Creature* creature) const { return new barileAI(creature); } struct barileAI : public BossAI { barileAI(Creature* creature) : BossAI(creature, 56682) { } // qua i timer void Reset() OVERRIDE { me->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(100, me->GetPositionX(), me->GetPositionY(), me->GetPositionZ()); } void MovementInform(uint32 type, uint32 id) { if (id != 100) return; float x = 0, y = 0; //GetPositionWithDistInOrientation(me, 5.0f, me->GetOrientation(), x, y); me->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(100, x, y, me->GetPositionZ()); } bool CheckIfAgainstWall() { float x = 0, y = 0; //GetPositionWithDistInOrientation(me, 5.0f, me->GetOrientation(), x, y); if (!me->IsWithinLOS(x, y, me->GetPositionZ())) return true; return false; } bool CheckIfAgainstUnit() { if (me->SelectNearbyTarget(NULL, 1.0f)) return true; return false; } void DoExplode() { if (Vehicle* barrel = me->GetVehicleKit()) barrel->RemoveAllPassengers(); me->Kill(me); me->CastSpell(me, SPELL_ESPLOSIONE_BARILI, true); } void EnterCombat(Unit* who) //chiamato solo 1 volta quando inizia il fight { //fallo parlare } void EnterEvadeMode() OVERRIDE { } void ReceiveEmote(Player* /*player*/, uint32 uiTextEmote) OVERRIDE { } void UpdateAI(uint32 uiDiff) OVERRIDE { if (CheckIfAgainstWall() || CheckIfAgainstUnit()) DoExplode(); } }; }; void AddSC_boss_uggaugga() { new boss_uggaugga(); new barile(); }
  18. Hello i was trying to connect to a linux debian server using a tool that will work on the database. It is a porting tool, you select expansion etc.. and it will generate the query i am using atm this: using Mysql.Data.MysqlClient  How can i connect to that server via ssh and then connect to the database?
  19. if you search on google you will find a compiled version of this. You can use my database, there are a lot of things
  20. MoP is not supported. By the way i think that the max gmlevel is 3 not 4... You should Also run the SQL updates, there is a file named commands.sql
  21. Well i followed the guide to get the ptr client, as you can see i copied a character    And here it says: ACTIVATED   I saw another person with Trial Account that could access to the PTR so i think is not that the problem... in the client download page the PTR client link doesn't appear
  22. ye sniffer, not parser, and we have a parser that do only the parse of opcodes
  23. Fabi has the full MoP database too, not only the sniffer and parser (that he is not sharing), he said to me (about the full db on ac-web), but he is not giving it to you.. Â From my point, you won't be redoing same reversing work on 542.. well, so you will stay without do nothing 'til 547?
  24. There is still a 5.4.1 branch, if no1 would work in the 5.4.2 content, they could continue their work on 5.4.1 , but this didn't happened. "everyone stopped working after you switched to 542, the decision that we wont go for 542 was made before we started 541 and we all agreed to it," it's only a bad excuse to my eyes  well.. now i guess that some moderator will block this post... if so.. i let you imagine what kind of people there are here, i mean.. No1 can solve problems by blocking thread. By the way, AriDEV did a good job with Rawaho, i think you could continue with them without quarrel...
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