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Sorry I'm a bit late with the change logs... we have been a bit busy with the merge of mmaps into master. -- Quests -- - quest - Pushing Forward - Thx Nomad - quest - Rejuvenating Touch - Thx Nomad & Thor - quest - Hallowed Sigil - Thx Nomad & Thor - quest - Arcane Missiles - Thx Nomad & Thor - quest - Simple Sigil - Thx Nomad & Thor - quest - Learning New Techniques - Thx Nomad & Thor - quest - Encrypted Sigil - Thx Nomad & Thor - quest - Etched Sigil - Thx Nomad & Thor - quest - A Rogue's Advantage - Thx Nomad & Thor - quest - A Woodsman's Training - Thx Nomad & Thor - quest - Healing for the Wounded - Thx Nomad & Thor - quest - A Map to Where? - Thx Nomad & Thor - quest - Marking the Fallen - quest - "Done Nothing Wrong" - Thx Jasper - quest - "Dont forget about us" - Thx Jasper - quest - Ice and Fire - quest - Twilight of the Dawn Runner - Thx DDuarte, Nay, & NOMAD - quest - Trolling for information - Thx Nomad & superzoris - quest - Vyrin's Revenge - Thx Nomad - quest - The Mosh'Ogg Bounty - Thx Nomad - quest - Deadeye Shore - quests - Orgrimmar Daily Cooking Quests (2) - Thx Nomad - quest - Bag of Shiny Things item loot corrections - Thx Nomad - quest - A Staggering Effort - Thx Nomad - quest - King of the Foulweald - quest - Drowned Sorrows - quest - Yetimus the Yeti Lord - Thx Nomad - quest - Sunken Treasure - Thx Nomad - quest - Death From Below - quest - Lazy Peon - core -> SAI conversion - quest - Miner's Fortune - Thx Nomad - quest - The Scarlet Harvest - Thx Machiavell1 - quest - Fear No Evil - Core to SAI conversion -- Misc -- - Removed invisibility auras from multiple npcs - Thx Nomad - HP correction on Voidwalker Minions - Thx Nomad - Faction correction for Theramore Sentry - Fixed Inhabit types for npcs: * Saltspray Gull * Darktail Bonepicker * Salt Flats Vulture * Silithid Wasp - Thx Nomad - Flag corrections for Greenpaw Village NPC's - Thx Nomad - Drop rate corrections for quest item Root Samples - Frostmane Troll Whelp AI -> SAI conversion - Corrections for rebel camp in STV - Thx Nomad - Troll starting area * Wildmane Cat SAI * Level 2 Zuni SAI * More quest corrections and area cleanup - Vile Familiar Correction - Thx Aridev & Nomad - Felstalker Correction - Thx Nomad - Stormpike Trainee Corrections - Thx Nomad - Multiple sleep auras removed from incorrect npcs- Thx Nomad - Bloated Mud Snapper loot corrections - Witherbark Shadow Hunter - AI -> SAI conversion - Thx Jasper - Dead Thief - misc template adjustments - Hoboair <Gryphon Master> Flag adjustment - Thx Nomad And far too many smaller corrections to mention. Thanks all once again for your contributions! Raydeon

  • Admin/Master Developers

In the future we may decide to release update packs. But not for now unless it's a hotfix or a simple modification to the structure.

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