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Everything posted by N8boy

  1. Hey just wanted to know if this project is still alive?
  2. Which WoW version do you have?
  3. I hate the ones who think that SF is up to date as Blizzard -.-'
  4. Dude, the core is still in development and it is not ready to be played And here is the Skyfire Patcher: https://github.com/ProjectSkyfire/SkyFire-Community-Tools/tree/master/5xx%20Patcher  If you get an error with the version, you should check if the patcher is for your wow version.
  5. Hay and welcome. Â Do you think that? I think the new chopper of "azeroth choppers" will bring a new patch.
  6. Would a shop system where you can buy via the page items for ingame gold get in the same troubles?
  7. What do you mean with "illegal private server usage"? Under which conditions is the server legal and due to which facts is a usage illegal?
  8. Thanks! One more question: The classmask and racemask in world.playercreateinfo_spell with the value "0", does it mean that every character gets this spells or does it mean that they are opsolete? Â Â Edit: okay found it by myself: Grants every class the spell!
  9. Hey everybody, Â I have a little problem with the database: Â I created a function in PHP to create a char. No problem with it, but how can I give the character the "starting skills" like the racial skills? In which table do I have to put which skills exactly. Â Thanks in advice!
  10. Hi guys, since a few days I'm creating a content management system for skyfire servers. It is a remake of my old outdated project "GAC-MS" which I created 3 years ago for skyfire. Now I have a bit more time so I can finally restart the project. Please note the Design is not the final design, it is, like the whole project, currently just for testing purpose. I give you the opportunity to give me feedback in an early development phase, so that I can integrate all of your whishes.  I will not officially support the usage of artworks from Blizzard! It is possible that you create your own design with those images.  PLEASE NOTE: Like I said above, Ragnarök is still under development and will contain errors. Use it on your own risk! Status: alpha Version: 0.0.1  Features: Player list - working How is online list - working Server status - working Armory - working but still a lot to do Registration - working Shop - coming soon News system - coming soon Character Transfer - coming soon GitHub: https://github.com/N8boy/Ragnaroek
  11. I took the last one. Â You have to drag and drop your wow.exe or wow-64.exe on the connection patcher.exe. The console pops again up but this time it won't disappear and you will see whether it worked or not.
  12. Finally found the real error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away If someone gets this error as well here is a method to fix it: (for xampp) Go to xamppmysqlbin Open my.ini Change "max_allowed_packet" from "1m" to "16m" Save my.ini Now restart MySql through the XAMPP control panel.
  13. Hey guys I just setting up my realm for testing but when I create the world database I get some errors. The used Database is "5.x.x Beta DB 1". Â After that I updated the Database with the updates provided in the "sql/updates" folder. The file "sqlupdatesworld2014_02_03_00_world_creature_template.sql" created some errors and I got this SQL Error: Query: ALTER TABLE `character_glyphs` DROP COLUMN `glyph7`, DROP COLUMN `glyph8`, DROP COLUMN `glyph9` Error occured at:2014-03-04 22:54:20 Line no.:5 Error Code: 1091 - Can't DROP 'glyph7'; check that column/key exists Query: ALTER TABLE `character_glyphs` DROP COLUMN `glyph7`, DROP COLUMN `glyph8`, DROP COLUMN `glyph9` Error occured at:2014-03-04 22:54:27 Line no.:5 Error Code: 1091 - Can't DROP 'glyph7'; check that column/key exists Did I something wrong or why is this happening?
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