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Posts posted by Rawaho

  1. The weapon racks haven't been spawned, you'll need to do that.

    The way quest objectives are handled was recently changed, the required NPC's and GO's for a quest is now stored in the quest_objective table. In saying that you shouldn't need to change it as all quest objectives have been already added to the database.

    The RewardOrRequiredMoney column no longer exists and has been replaced with RewardMoney as required money for a quest is now an objective.

  2. There isn't really a guide since many things can cause a quest to not work.

    Feel free to report broken or missing quests on the bug tracker though, every report helps :)

  3. I haven't looked into the extra NPC flags in MoP yet but I assume 0x80000000 is probably something to do with the Black Market.

    0x80000000 is the last possible flag due to uint32 size constraints, when required Blizzard will either make another NPC flag value to send (for example quests in MoP now have 2 flag values sent) or they will reuse older values.

  4. Basic quest functionality works but instances do not, the instance/raid system needs a lot of changes.

    Currently Sovak is working on fixing guilds and I will start working on parties/raids this week after I finish up a few miscellaneous NPC features.

    The best way to test if something is working is to just compile and try it yourself.  ^_^

  5. For Windows 7:

    Right click on Computer in the start menu.

    Select 'Properties' from the drop down.

    On the left side click 'Advanced System Settings'

    Click the 'Environmental Variables..." button in the new window.

    Under the 'System variables' list find the variable path and double click it.

    In the new window edit the 'Variable value' by adding a semicolon and then your path to git at the end.

  6. lol mate - its Skyfire forum so - Skyfire core - latest repo......


    Did spellbars working for you????? on mage?


    and cinematics? I was handle to make Blood Elf and Panda so far without client crash...



    5.4.2 client ofc.



    Client side is fine - tested on retail.

    way was referring to the fact that SkyFire has separate cores and databases for different expansions.

    The structures for SMSG_SPELL_START and SMSG_SPELL_GO have not been updated yet, this is the reason you don't get a cast bar. None of the quest opcodes or structures have been updated yet either, this is why you can not see any quests from quest givers.

    With 5.4.7 right around the corner you probably won't see these implemented till the next patch.

  7. Well this explains the lack of 5.4.2 commits. So what happens now? Do I continue to work on 5.4.2 switch back to 5.4.1 or wait for the next 5.4.? patch?


    I also wasn't aware of the decision to stay on 5.4.1, I assumed 5.4.2 would be natural progression and it would be the final MoP patch (5.?.?) that we stayed on.

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