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Everything posted by Themistocles

  1. Hello everyone! I'm Themistocles (or Daniel). And while I'm not new to the concept of SkyFire, I am new to these boards. An avid TrinityCore user, I've always kept my ear to the ground concerning SkyFire, simply because its more progressive in its supported patches.  A little bit about me, I've been in the emu world for the last 5 or 6 years, mostly running servers and just experimenting with different things. Only in the last year or so have I really buckled down and begun developing full time for a roleplaying server. Anyways, going to MoP is something we at my server are interested in doing. So I am here now to help out in anyway I can to help get the 5.4.8 core into a playable release.  My programming experience C/C++ - 4 years Java - 2 years Perl - 5 years Python 2 - 3 years Assembly - 1 year I've had ample time developing for TrinityCore servers and plan on porting my mods up to SkyFire and making some of them public (or at least the basics, since the code is for a major server project*). Of course, once I get them documented and organized, even if I don't release the code, I'll be around to offer help in how I did it.  I pretty much exclusively use CrunchBang Linux, aside from gaming and running server systems, which I am still bound to windows and ubuntu12.04 respectively. I go to a university for Computer Engineering with a focus in Cryptosystems, 3rd year. I like cheesy kungfu films, hip-hop, EDM, and Electronic Music.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are the best super heroes ever.  Anywho, hello everyone. Hope to help out as much as possible in the future.  *The reason I don't want to give all the code out is because there was an issue where someone stole most of the code from our server and they tried to distribute it under their name and give it to other server owners. While I am a member of the OSS movement, I'd much rather teach people how to recreate things I've done rather then simply giving it out.Â
  2. Which implies new beginnings, which implies old beginnings and possible break-ups. . . Or I'll just introduce myself as Synical/Snowball/Sada (in various circles). Been into the WoW EMU scene since ascent. Though I was more so into the administrative and political side of running servers then the modding section, I've always wanted to do some overhaul mods. IT Security and Perl programming are my things though, and while I learned a good deal of C++ when I worked on arcEMU and trinity servers, I forgot most of it when I went to university since my course load was just general edu. So! Hopefully I'll be able to get back into C++ and coding in general if I join another community like this, and who knows? Maybe i'm in for the long haul this time.
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