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Posts posted by klyxmaster

  1. according to the screenshot, try the following:

    1. Put in an "address" either or your WAN address
    2. on your client, delete your cache folder and login again.

    most the time #2 solves the issue being offline.


    #1 may give you issues. I do not know if cata/mop will take a DNS (mycool.url.com, instead of an IP). In vanilla - wotlk you can.


    Another thing to keep in mind, if you are using ONE machine to do all this, in your config use the set realm to localhost or  (obviously) HOWEVER!! If, like me, you are using other box to host the server, don't forget to put in your config.wtf your "other box"  your box's LAN (i.e., and add that in the address as well.  DO NOT USE LOCALHOST OR or you will hang.


    I've had this error several times with the cata/mop server.  but usually, just dumping the cache folder will do the trick.


    Hope this helps

  2. Hi!

    Been a while since I been here :-)

    I decided (again) to check out MoP, since that is my fav expansion. As usual, the complile and install went smooth. :-)


    Only issue I have, and never had this one before, is it will not let me log into game server. I click - popup comes up "Logging into game server" then the server selection stays.


    realmlist settings:

    address : [WAN address]



    I play on a LAN, so the pc is, so my WTF/config.wtf = SET REALMLIST "" (as well as patch)


    so this all works well. Can log in just fine, but for a split second you see the character select screen, then it defaults to the game server select screen. And that is where it stays.


    Maybe I have been doing this too long and cannot see the trees for the forest (so to speak LOL), anyone have an idea what is amiss?


    I KNOW IT IS something SIMPLE!!! I just seem to be missing it.  All my other servers work fine (no, they are not running at the same time, vanilla, wotlk )


    Love the work!!


  3. hI, Thanks for the reply.

    In case you missed the title, this is regarding the MoP core (5_XX)

    Everything compiled nicely, and was able to log on, fly around etc. but the thing I noticed was there were NO npc's, mobs etc anywhere, and thus no quests. The core and db was from skyfire. Is it just Mop that is like this or does cata suffer from this? I ported over to SW and it was empty there as well.  Because if so, there is no need to report a "bug" as this section of the core may not be implemented as of yet.

    If there ARE quests and NPC's, is there another section of skyfire that has a functional(?) db with npc's and mobs?


    I used this wiki:



    Searching through here ( a few others have the same question) and the reply was a "link" to


    I am very proficient at remiding quest for cores zero-3, I get stuck on 4 and 5 as they have a whole new method I don't understand - phasing? i.le. NPC's have more than one ID. A id for accepting quest, and an id for turning in quest etc.. - I notice that was a patern in Cata when that first came out.


    In the case of Zero for example, if a quest doesnt work, it may be a NPC is not assigned that quest (quest_involvedrealtion), not flagged, some other issue that is fixable, but the end result is there is one NPC ID to work with and one QUEST ID (example http://www.wowhead.com/quest=30027/the-lesson-of-the-iron-bough if you search that quest in the core, it will yeild over a half dozen ID's for this quest).


    That was the guide I was looking for: if anyone had a method for spaning NPC's and mobs and get assign quests to them with the corrisponding NPC ID and matching QUEST ID. Cata seems to have the same standard, and there are quest working, I was just wondering how that is done.


    Thanks again!

  4. I have a vanilla that runs nice - close to retail as I like it anyways.


    I like fixing quests - so mine is pretty top notch.


    I want to do the same with mop(cata)

    Is there atutorial for quests fixing as they do not fix the same as vanilla/wotlk.


    I would love to give my zygor a work out

  5. If I post this wrong section - delete it. just helping the beggers :-) (where's your sign!!)

    something simple quick and dirty!! did it in `10min - hey what do you want for free!!!


                <form method="post">
                <p>Account Password Generator <br/>
                for use with Mangos Private Server Engine</p>
                <?php echo $error_msg."<p/>";?>
                        <td align="right">Account Name:</td><td><input type="text" name="username"></td></tr><tr>
                        <td align="right">Password:</td><td><input type="password" name="password"></td></tr><tr>
                        <td colspan="2" align="right"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Register"></td>

    PHP section

        $error_msg = "";                            //CREATE A DUMMY ERROR MSG
        if(isset($_REQUEST['submit'])){             //CHECK IF SUBMIT BUTTON WAS PRESSED
            $un = $_REQUEST['username'];            //GET USERNAME
            $pw = $_REQUEST['password'];            //GET PW
            if($un == "" || $pw == ""){             //MAKE SURE THEY ARE NOT NULL
                $error_msg = " Please make "
                ."Sure all feilds are complete";    //CREATE AN ERROR MESSAGES
            }else{                                  //OTHERWISE THINGS ARE GOOD
               $newName = sha1(strtoupper($un).
                    ":".strtoupper($pw));            //CREATE THE PW.  <-- fix this line if encypt has changed
                echo "<center>ACCOUNT INFO:<P/>";   //SHOW IT.
                echo "ID: ".strtoupper($un).
                    "  PW: ".strtoupper($newName);

    If nothing has changed in the encryption this should work for a simple plugin for any website.

    If not, fix the part highlighted in red.

    I think there are other post like this just search around.

    mods: I know this should go in a different area, just replying

  6. i'll look into it. I know its getting popular. but since I wanted to focus more on the project and less learning a new svn.. i went with old tried and true LOL. git always seems something more for BIG projects like - skyfire! btw.. can someone post their questflag for lockdown #14078 (i deleted it testing my editor LOL) i've tried 262145,262159,262157 but still getting no requirements for the quest error.

  7. mistakes? im PERFCET!!!! :P

    hey, you'll love this saying: "... perfect people make mistakes - its the idiots who know everything"

    I just got into git with mangos sometime ago.. still a little klunky for me. May switch before I release it haven't decided (I spend more time on winbloze than linux so just a preference)


    is there a list somewhere for the flags? The only reference I have is for mangos (used that for years so still a little new at trinity)

    currently working on these "quest flags"

    however those are mangos. need them for NPC flags as well. my testers suggested a drop down menu for these - good idea :-)



  8. That seems to be very nice till now. Nice idea to do that under PHP. I'm looking forward to your first public release.

    thank you - so am I :-D!!

    it will most likely be svn released since I am constantly working on it. The only thing about releasing stuff like php and the like, is that it is exposed to world scrutiny, while most my friends have acquired a taste for my "unorthodox" way of programing (its written in layman's terms - nothing fancy that way they can mess with it if they need to) the general population may see different.

    but ya I'll keep ya posted - next couple days knocking out the creature section (which is HUGH ) - THAT will take a few red bulls ;-)

  9. thanks I will look into that. as mentioned I started this so i can more easily edit quest and creatures. I may expand it to a full blown "quice" clone - depends on RL stuff :-) (you guys remember that right hehehe)

  10. The nice thing about living in the sticks (with no net)- you have lots of time to program (if you are into that sort of thing :P )

    Here is a project I am working on - Just started. If anyone thinks this might be useful, lemme know, outside that I'll probably kill this post.

    I love QUICE when I work with Mangos. I did find a Trinity version, but was confused and thought that it would work for this(cataclysm) release.

    since I LOATH!!! working the DB manually (did all this from 2004-2006) I set about making my own - just to do a little here and there. before I knew it,

    It had gotten bigger than I expected LOL.

    Again, just a personal project I wanted to share*

    Project: T'Cata - Trinity/Skyfire Database Editor (Just got a facelift! )

    Posted Image

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    As you can see, it is based loosely off the QUICE design.

    It does not (for obvious resons) access the dbc files, instead I will have a text file for that, as most of the stuff I want to edit are spells and a few other misc other id.

    I wrote it in as simple php as possible (this was due to some of my friends do not know php that well) so that anyone with at least a drop of php can fumble through it.

    anyways.. First and last post on this topic - unless its a hit :-)

    Yes - this is a sneak preview - due out shortly

    *Unless I can test this myself locally - it will not be released. There is still an issue with the wow.exe not working with no net. pointless to have a private server if you cannot play it anytime.

  11. Just wanted to say hi i have over 4700hrs in retail wow- and half that in the mangos world :-) Love to be a part of your team. I am a quest guru in the database. What I lack in C++/scripting i make up in quest (most the times work-arounds) until a script or bliz like can be found - but at least you can do the quest I am very happy to see someone take the leap and dive into cata. THANK YOU!@! Cheers..

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