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Hi everybody,


for start this post, I note I'm French, and my English not sound like English :)


So, I've installed SkyFire on my ubuntu and phpmyadmin too.


I've my website on the serv (var/www).


I want to use SOAP, so I change my worldserver.conf et I modify Soap = 0 to Soap = 1 (for enabled this), after, I create a php script (with google :) ) but, Soap return to me a error.



Method 'ns1:executeCommand' not implemented: method name or namespace not recognized

I give to you my php Code, but i'm sure that is correct :



<?phpfunction ExecuteSoapCommand($command, $client){try //Try to execute function{$result = $client->executeCommand(new SoapParam($command, "command"));}catch(Exception $e) //Don't give fatal error if there is a problem{return array('sent' => false, 'message' => print_r($e));}return array('sent' => true, 'message' => $result);}// The above block takes in a string called $command and a soap client object. It returns an array that contains whether or not the command was successfully sent and the output (either trinity output or the exception).function getServerUptime($client){$cmd_msg = ".server info";$soap_output = ExecuteSoapCommand($cmd_msg, $client);echo print_r($soap_output);$array = explode(':', $soap_output['message']);$array2 = explode('.', $array[8]);return $array2[0];}// This block is an example of implementation. It sends the ".server info" command and parses the string so that only the uptime is left.$client = new SoapClient(NULL,array("location" => "","uri" => "urn:TC","style" => SOAP_RPC,"login" => "PALLMALLSHOW","password" => "mdp"));echo getServerUptime($client);?>

For finish, I've test with, my domain et my IP address.



Tank you for you're help !

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