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Chalky609 last won the day on April 24 2012

Chalky609 had the most liked content!


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  1. Hope we can too. Remember to use google and the search function here before posting, I only say this because you will only truly learn if you try and fix it yourself. But if you wanna just post go for it Welcome
  2. you continue to amaze me with your awesome cms :)
  3. Still using it and it's coming along very nicely keep up the good work mate, your a champion
  4. sorry alterego for the link now i know i should keep it to myself :)
  5. Nice to see that slamming people's work is something you enjoy. *******
  6. not sure if i'm aloud to put this here but AlterEgo will remove it if i'm not. If you want to see a Demo page look at LinkRemoved oh didn't realise there was a second page with a link already up sorry FailZord
  7. Nice work glad to see this is still going ahead :)
  8. check out ac-web they have a section to help you with this.
  9. Thanks for this.
  10. Howdy
  11. hey and welcome I also like learning new things about computers and like to play around with wow on my own local network. I would like to learn to code in c++ and c# or anything really :)
  12. hey man what are the chances of getting your msn if you have one.

  13. Hey guys just wanted to shout out a Hello from Australia. I have tried a few different 4.0.x core's and there is maybe one other out there that shows as much promise as this one. I really hope to use this core for a private server of my own at some stage. May i also suggest that instead of having a section for database submissions, that you instead have people send the fixes to you and give the credit to them. Too many submissions is confusing Laterz
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