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FailZorD last won the day on October 30 2011

FailZorD had the most liked content!

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. We have successfully moved to our new Host but all of the accounts have been reset. We will fix our Registration system within 24 hours. Till then you can still register but please report any Spammers of Bots. Because we will enable the unsafe registrations.
  2. bump
  3. Download AppServ by this Link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/appserv/files/AppServ%20Open%20Project/2.5.10/appserv-win32-2.5.10.exe/download Install it and Transfer the website there. Carefull as it contains MySQL too.
  4. Interesting. Curious why as it works for me. (Using PHP 5.4.4 and Apache 2.4.2) Try using the same as me, maybe the problem is somewhere in the Version.
  5. You need to update your apache and php and in php.ini to enable PDO and Curl for the PHP. Simple as that. Plus remember to configure the following files: .../configs.php .../classes/armory.class.php
  6. There is a file inside your folder called "classes" There you will find a file called "armory.class.php" Open it with Notepad++ (ONLY) and find the lines: 99 and 100 Fix them but don't break them. HOW THEY SHOULD LOOK: Names with Capitals is what you need to change.
  7. The armory is on Beta Phase, but you should be able to use it. Explain your errors.
  8. Not Recommended. Poor work. I personally don't like or approve this release. Not a good effort. Try harder.
  9. Yeah we are having some issues with our Host. Will be solved.
  10. New Features working. Admin Panel 68% Media Section 92% Vote Panel (With Vote Points) 100% Expansion Change 100% Usable for WOTLK Cores 100% Go on and Rock!
  11. Wanna hear more? Vote Shop and Vote Panel is now Complete: https://github.com/Strawberry-Pr0jcts/WoWFailureCMS/commit/9c72656a925fe0a9628126e959195847a3977b2d Vote Panel is working 100% Vote Shop will begin soon.
  12. Armory now Working:
  13. New Forums, New Registration Page, more Modules, Item Linking, 100% Userplate. Go Go Grab the Website!
  14. New Userplate 90% Done! Also the Language System now Saves the Language you choose! Enjoy!
  15. Added Security Pages for the Admin, Management Pages, and Userplate is 70% of working, Custom, we will add Blizzlike Features soon We increased the Security of the Pages and we make it more Secure day by day. Stay Tuned Another Test Repo:https://github.com/WoWFailure/ has been Setup. This Organization is made for Development so the Repositories and the Website has no Security and its for Testing or Improvement of the Current Website. Stable Releases will be released on:https://github.com/Strawberry-Pr0jcts/WoWFailureCMS I hope you will enjoy the website, if you want to Submit Fixes or Scripts Visit:http://www.strawberry-pr0jcts.com/forum/index.php?/forum/28-php-script-submission/ if you want to submit Errors visit:http://www.strawberry-pr0jcts.com/forum/index.php?/forum/30-wowfailurecms-support/ Remember to always read the What is Working on: http://www.strawberry-pr0jcts.com/forum/index.php?/topic/81-info-what-works-and-what-doesnt/These Links will help you and us to improve the website and give our best on the support of the website. Enjoy and Have Fun! Remember to submit errors, we do not "Bite" we are simple men like you
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